Thank you for submitting your request for a Smart Meter.

If you have questions about the process, please get in touch with the team on 0800 130 3600. Lines are open Mon-Thurs: 9am-5pm | Fri: 8:30am-12pm.

Here is what will happen next

Step 1: Is your meter eligible?

We will check your existing meter type is eligible and send your details to one of our Smart meter installers.

If your meter is eligible, we will let you know who the installer will be, and when you can expect a call to arrange installation.

If your meter is not eligible, we will contact you to explain why and suggest alternative solutions, such as installing an AMR meter.

Step 2: Installation appointment

Our MOP (Meter Operator) will be in touch to answer any questions you may have and arrange an convenient time to install your new meter.

Step 3: Installation day

The Smart Meter Installer will present their identification and before accessing the property they will need to ensure someone over the age of 18 years is on site, they are unable to access the property if this is not the case.

The installation will take up a couple of hours and the power/gas will be off for 30-45 minutes. In the unlikely event that any additional work is required, the installer will explain the next steps.

Step 4: Installation complete

Once the installation is complete and your meter is working correctly, that’s it! No more sending meter reads and no more estimated bills!