24th November 2022

Sustainability with Georgia Jarrett

Name - Georgia Jarrett

Role - Marketing Executive

How do you try to live sustainably day to day?

I’ve always been big on recycling, so at home I make sure to split the rubbish and recycle everything I can such as wrappers and packaging. If I can’t recycle packaging, I’ll re-use it where I can.

I also save any glass bottles/jars and do a bottle run at the end of the week to the bottle bank, recycling any cardboard whilst there.
After visiting an Energy to Waste plant, it was made very apparent that splitting your rubbish is incredibly important to help with the amazing work they’re doing there. This has validated the importance of checking your packaging!

I’m also a vegetarian, which has been proven to be a much more sustainable way of living and helps reduce our carbon footprint.

I will walk to work where I can instead of driving or taking a taxi. This is better for the environment but has also helped with my health

Have you seen any benefits from sustainability in your life?

Being a vegetarian is a lot cheaper, and in these current climates, that’s a nice added bonus!

Walking to work where I can is better for my health as it gets me moving, as working from home can lead me to become a bit of a couch potato and again, it saves the pennies which helps a lot currently!

Being big on recycling at home has influenced my friends to become more aware of what they’re doing with their waste and how it’s important to think about it more.

Why is sustainability important in your life?

Sustainability is important to me because we are seeing changes in our planet every day in the news, and the negative impact humans have had, so to be able to give back and help in any way I personally can, then I will.

It takes a small amount of effort to make a massive difference.

Also, working for a company that has a lot of involvement in renewables and has a goal for zero carbon, sustainability is something I see a lot from day to day so it’s natural it comes home with me too.